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Sad demise of a sincere social worker, genuine thinker and a promising leader

  Sad demise of a sincere social worker, genuine thinker and a promising leader It was a shocking news to hear that Ujwal Thapa, founder of Bibekshil Nepali, passed away at the age of 44 Nepal yesterday afternoon, while undergoing treatment at Mediciti Hospital. Nepal has lost a sincere social worker, promising initiator and an inspiring political leader who had the courage and commitment to finally lift the country with the gift of good governance. He was the inspirational figure to many youths who ignited a social movement against corruption and social evils and laid the foundation of alternative politics in Nepal. His sincere initiation was to create accountable and ethical leaders to build a peaceful and prosperous Nepal. “Can a small house continue to exist in between two skyscrapers?” At a function, a stranger bluntly asked me, hinting at Nepal’s reality between India and China. I have quoted this from his personal blog link to visit his blog https://www.whynep

Ambitious budget

The Himalayan Times 3 June 2021 Ambitious budget It looks like the budget for fiscal year 2021/22 is optimistic, considering the life of the government. However, the proposed budget looks impressive in terms of its effort to address the hardships faced by the people, difficulties faced by the students to attend on-line classes, grievances of senior citizens, financial difficulties faced by the medium and small enterprises and hotels and so on due to the COVID 19 pandemic “Government unveils RS 1.65tn budget for 2021-22” (THT, May 30, Page 1).    Waiving taxes and charges on electric bills, water bills, licence and renewal fee for sectors such as films, handicraft, aviation, media, advertising, health clubs and among others should be appreciated for the government’s effort at giving relief to the people and to the COVID-19 battered industries. The government’s decision to waive the renewal fee and road tax on electric vehicles for the next five years to encourage the use of EV

Politically and socially scary situation?

Politically and socially scary situation? Upon requests of my well-wishers, friends and relatives, I am sharing herewith my YouTube VDO link related to the "then and now" national political situation. Hope, you will enjoy it. Being a true democrat, I am the staunch supporter of the Constitutional Monarch and Multiparty System which is the most appropriate political system suitable for Nepal considering its geographical location and the global geopolitical environment. Nepal, as you know, has been passing through a scary political situation for the last 10/11 years because of irresponsible and foreign power guided leaders who considered themselves as the champion of democracy. We do not know where the on-going political situation takes us in the next six months because of the existing political uncertainty. The COVID 19 pandemic has hit hard the common people making them frustrated and vulnerable. If the government fails to promptly act