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Kudos to Dr. Runa Jha

  Kudos to Dr. Runa Jha Runa Jha, a senior doctor from Nepal, was on Saturday named amongst the United Nation's list of top five women to have stood on the front lines in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, a statement issued by the world body said.  Jha, who is the chief pathologist and director of Kathmandu-based National Public Health Laboratory, along with her team is testing roughly 70 samples a day, which arrive at irregular intervals and make for around-the-clock work.  "Dr Runa Jha is the chief pathologist and director of the only laboratory authorised to conduct COVID-19 testing in Nepal, UN Women, the global body's entity for gender equality and the empowerment of women, mentioned on its website. The deadly coronavirus, which broke out in China's Hubei province, has so far infected 3,366,714 people worldwide and claimed the lives of 239,345, according to Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Centre.  Nepal i...

अस्थिर राजनीति कहिले सम्म ?

अस्थिर राजनीति कहिले सम्म ? नेपालमा राजनैतिक दलहरुको  मनोमानी ढंगले ल्याएको राजनैतिक परिबर्तनले देश र नागरिकले पाए के ? बहस को गह्रो बिषय  भएकै छ साथ साथै  गहिरो  छलपल र मनन गर्ने बेला नि अत्यन्तै टड्कारो  देखिन थाल्या छ । चुनाव ताका अत्यन्तै रंगी चंगी फूल बुट्टा भर्या घोषणा पत्र सार्बजनिक गर्छन । हामी आखा चिम्लेर भोट दिन्छ्म अनि पछि पछुताम छौ ।  अहिले आएर बलियो र गतिलो सरकार आयो अब त् देशमा सुख सान्ति अमन चयन आउला भन्या त् पार्टी भित्रै पो खुट्टा तानातान गर्न थाले ।हुन् त् गत २  बर्ष मा व|हा वाह गर्ने काम त् सरकारले खासै देखाउन त् सक्या छैनन् नै उल्टो नागरिकको आधारभूत सेवा सुबिधा त् परै जावोस,  कतिपय मानव अधिकारहरुनि हनन हुन थालेका छन्  आज को नया पत्रिका मा (वि।सं २०७७ बैशाख १९ शुक्रबार) मिलन पाण्डे को एउटा रोचक लेख पदियो ।  मैले यहाँ उधृत गर्न चाहे । मेरो कुनै राजनीतिक पार्टीसंग लेनादेना छैन तर एक जिम्मेदार र सचेत नागरिक हैसियतले भन्नु पर्दा यो लेख सम्बन्धित पार्टीका  जिम्मेदार कार्यकर्ताहरु ले  मनन गर्नु पर्ने ब...

Who will win the battle?

Who will win the battle? The intra-party political feud in the Nepal Communist Party (NCP) in the recent days has overshadowed the difficulties faced by the common people owing to corona virus. It seems that all the NCP senior leaders, who are supposed to collectively lead the party and assist its government to run the nation effectively in this critical time, are embroiled in self -centered politics. They seems to be spending their lockdown time in hatching conspiracies against each other.  PM Oli has been cornered by his party men for his unconstitutional acts a few days ago. It was not so sure why he was compelled to bring up two ordinances even leading almost two-thirds majority government at a time when the nation is reeling under corona pandemic. His recent proposal of  offering PM chair to Bamdev Gautam and Madhav Nepal as the another Chair seems to be in hot soup. Proposing Nepal for the Party's Chair is NCP's internal matter. Gautam to replace him as t...