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Is door opened for new political change?

Is door opened for new political change?

PM Oli decided to dissolve the HoR for the second time citing the other parties failed to form new government to replace his government. This was not his surprising political move considering his game plan for the last one year when his own comrades started cornering him for his unilateral and unconstitutional moves. 


What could be expected from the new government under the premiership of other senior leaders of the major political parties? What could be the other best options for the PM other than dissolving the HoR once again? Were there not any other doable and better alternatives for the PM to save the HoR at this critical time? Would not it be better if the other parties had at-least set their egoistic politics aside during this difficult time and cooperate with Oli’s government to effectively manage the COVID-19 pandemic, let it complete five year’s term and go for the elections?

It is very unfortunate to see these senior leaders of the so-called major political parties continue playing self-centred and egoistic politics including Oli. The nation and the people are being badly hit by the pandemic. Hundreds of people are dying every day and thousands of them are seriously ill and are on the death bed. These selfish leaders did not seem to be bothered a bit with this pathetic situation.   

Anyway, it looks that knowingly or unknowingly the PM has opened the door for the new political change to give a break to the on-going destructive politics and the corrupt political structure. Let us hope the bright days for the nation and the people are ahead.
