Durbar High School proudly stands in its new building
It was amazing to see brand new Durbar High School, also known as Bhanu Secondary School, standing tall in its solid foundation with the financial and technical cooperation of the Chinese government. Its century old building was completely damaged in 2015 earthquake. Durbar High School which translates to Palace High School is the oldest modern school in Nepal located near Rani Pokhari, Kathmandu.
Historical Old building
Damaged during 2015 Earthquake
Standing tall in its new building
Feeling humiliated by not being able to communicate in English during his visit to Europe, Jung Bahadur Rana set up a school at his residence in 1853 with two teachers imported from England to teach children of the ruling families. The school was later shifted to Thapathali Durbar with an Englishman called Kenning as its first teacher. Durbar School marked the beginning of modern education in Nepal, but only the ruling Ranas and their sons could attend it but was opened to public citizens in 1901 by Dev Shumsher Jang Bahadur Rana.
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