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Lung cancer problem

The Himalayan Times
30 November 2017

Lung cancer problem

As the world is celebrating lung cancer awareness month, the number of patients suffering from this killer disease is alarmingly increasing in Nepal. This awareness program is observed throughout the world in the month of November of every year. In Nepal, various programmes are being observed to raise awareness about this dreadful non-communicable disease for long. However, it does not seem that the government and its concerned authorities have been able to reach out to all of its citizens. May be, the awareness programme that they are running do not seem to be adequate looking at the increasing number of patients in Nepal.

According to data provided by Bhaktapur Cancer Hospital, more than 30 patients are found to be visiting it each month for treatment of this disease. Last year, 417 people were diagnosed with lung cancer as reported in “Quit smoking, avoid dust, say doctors” (THT, November 28, Page 2). Cancer is seen in its later stage which has been the major problem for the doctors to treat the patients on time. If this can be diagnosed in an early stage, the chances of its successful treatment and survival of the patient will be very high. However, the lack of awareness about this disease and carelessness of the people about their health have been one of the major reasons for untimely death of the patients.

Smoking, dust and pollution are some of factors which can cause lung cancer. Combustion of fuels such as cow dung and wood are also other factors for causing lung cancer. Regular exposure to the dust can cause chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Rai Biren Bangdel
