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Consensus is best option

The Himalayan Times
28th November 2014

Consensus is best option

Apropos of the news story “Modi stresses on consensus for statute” (THT, 26 Nov. Page 1), his call for consensus is timely when the ruling and oppositions are at odds over the issue. He has also emphasized need to draft the statute  in such a manner that no body should feel let down.

Why don’t the major political parties become sensible and responsible leaving behind their petty political interests to sort out their political differences? Do they have to be told by outsiders to come to consensus? Are they not capable of doing their political jobs on their own without outside interferences? They had completely failed to complete their mandated jobs due to intra and inter party factional politics and blame game during the first Constitution Assembly.

Both the opposition and ruling parties should be flexible as much as possible to adopt the statute on time.

Rai Biren Bangdel
Maharajgunj, Kathmandu
