13 April 2012
Prachanda, Maoist Chairperson, deserves a huge applaud and appreciation for his bold and courageous decision with regard to completion of peace process by the deadline. This step has definitely created conducive political environment for all the responsible political parties to come together for cohesively working to draft the new constitution in time no matter what their political interests are. There could be no more pretension of blaming each other for not completing the peace process in time.
It seems natural for Shushil Koirala, Congress President to be happy to see peace process moving in the right direction and more hopeful for more breakthroughs in the days to come after Prachanda, took such a bold decision. The general public, who were longing to see for permanent peace in Nepal, seem much happier than Shushil Koirala keeping high hopes of seeing the completion of drafting new constitution within the dead line. However, there are some contentious elements of new constitution yet to be sorted out among the Big Three. So, it is yet to see as to how they resolve these issues and promulgate the new constitution in time.
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